Image & Video


Enhance the readability of license plate images/videos using advanced image processing techniques and deep learning models. Whether you have blurry, low-resolution, or poorly captured angles, our advanced techniques can significantly enhance the clarity and legibility of the license plate details.

Empowering attorneys, law enforcement, and news media with our advanced image and video authentication service. Safeguard the integrity and credibility of visual evidence using cutting-edge technology, instilling confidence in your legal cases, investigative work, and media reporting.

Utilizing advanced technologies, cutting-edge techniques, and software, we provide enhancement services for image and video media. We can improve visual quality and reveal critical insights. Improving resolution, brightness, contrast, and detail can enable you to extract valuable evidence and make well-informed decisions in your investigations.

By eliminating unwanted motion and enhancing visual quality, we provide clear and steady footage, ensuring vital details are accessible for your investigations, analysis, and legal proceedings.

Our compare and contrast forensic media analysis service utilizes advanced techniques to examine video and image evidence, uncovering vital details for legal investigations. Trust our expertise to deliver comprehensive and accurate findings, empowering your case with undeniable evidence.

We can help retrieve crucial video evidence and multimedia files from damaged or corrupted systems. While recovery is never certain, we have successfully recovered video from systems that have been melted, smashed, and submerged in water.

We offer exceptional services in creating detailed video timelines of events. With precision and expertise, we analyze and arrange multimedia evidence to present a coherent and comprehensive account of crucial moments, empowering your investigations with a clear and compelling narrative.

We are able to analyze vast volumes of video content to pinpoint events crucial to your investigation. Using deep learning algorithms and cutting edge modeling, we can cover hours of video more efficiently than one person watching each video individually.

We can assist you in measuring height, distance, and speed of people/objects of interest. With advanced tools and methodologies, we help you obtain accurate and reliable data, allowing invaluable insights and objective analysis. *note we are not currently taking accident reconstruction cases.

We offer services in image and video redaction and highlighting, safeguarding sensitive information while emphasizing essential details. We can expertly redact and blur confidential content so that it cannot be reconstructed, enabling you to present clear and focused evidence, while adhering to privacy regulations and maintaining the integrity of your investigations.

We assist in converting video from difficult to view formats into something familiar and commonly used. We ensure that all files are able to be viewed on your system and are available in a common format.

Our cutting-edge forensic multimedia service excels in separating multiple video streams from complex sources. Trust our expertise to untangle and extract distinct footage, providing invaluable insights and evidence for your investigations, all with unparalleled precision and reliability.